Some comments about the book "How to solve it", G.Polya.

I’ll let John Conway say why this book is so relevant, citing from the preface of the book: " “How to Solve It” is a wonderful book! This I realized when I first read right through it as a student many years ago, but it has taken me a long time to appreciate just how wonderful it is. Why is that? One part of the answer is that the book is unique. In all my years as a student and teacher, I have never seen another that lives up to George Polya’s title by teaching you how to go about solving problems."

He continues: “It is one of the most successful mathematics books ever written, having sold over a million copies and been translated into seventeen languages since it first appeared in 1945.”

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Alberto Bordino
Alberto Bordino
PhD Student in Statistics at the University of Warwick

Alberto Bordino, PhD Student in Statistics at the University of Warwick.